📦 @greyorange/node-red-contrib-amqp (2.4.0)
Amqp nodes for node-red
📦 node-red-contrib-gotify-notification (1.0.3)
A node-red module for sending and subscribing to notifications from Gotify
📦 @cgjgh/node-red-dashboard-2-ui-slide-confirm (1.0.11)
A Slide to Confirm node for preventing accidental user actions in Node-RED Dashboard 2.0
📦 node-red-contrib-amazon-echo (0.1.12)
Alexa-controlled Node-RED nodes for the latest Amazon Echo devices.
📦 @zigasebenik/node-red-log-io (1.1.6)
A Node-RED node to log input and output messages to various outputs.
Automated updates from the Node-RED Flow library.