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πŸ“¦ @yousolution/node-red-contrib-you-layerone2 (0.0.7)

`Official Library By YouSolution.Cloud`

πŸ“¦ @energyweb/node-red-contrib-energywebx (0.4.0)

Turn your flows to become SmartFlows in-order to be able to have your node-red flows being installed and executed on thousands of decentralised worker nodes around the world (Powered by Energy Web X)

πŸ“¦ node-red-contrib-tts-ultimate (2.0.9)

Transforms the text in speech and hear it using Sonos player or generate an audio file to be used with third parties nodes. Works with voices from Amazon, Google (without credentials as well), Microsoft TTS …

πŸ“¦ @deroetzi/node-red-contrib-smarthome-helper (0.5.2)

A collection of personal helper nodes for Node-RED

πŸ“¦ @mschaeffler/node-red-lora (3.3.0)

Five nodes to send and receive LoRaWan messages via a gateway via the Semtech UDP protocol.

πŸ“¦ node-red-contrib-tts-ultimate (2.0.8)

Transforms the text in speech and hear it using Sonos player or generate an audio file to be used with third parties nodes. Works with voices from Amazon, Google (without credentials as well), Microsoft TTS …

πŸ“¦ node-red-contrib-afya-globals (1.0.6)

Node-RED custom node to manage global variables.

πŸ“¦ @mysterycode/node-red-sacn (0.0.3)

Implementation of sACN (Streaming ACN) for Node-RED

πŸ“¦ @ralfuhlig/node-red-oauth2-auth (0.3.0)

node-red-oauth2-auth - OAuth2 client for getting oauth2 credentials by the authorization flow to use in other nodes. Credentials are automatically refreshed on expiration.

πŸ“¦ node-red-contrib-afya-globals (1.0.4)

Node-RED custom node to manage global variables.

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Node-RED Social

Self-hosted mastodon for the Node-RED project.