π¦ @keload/node-red-contrib-js-philips-tv-control (0.0.3)
A collection of nodes to control Philips TV with Node-RED, including Ambilight control.
π¦ node-red-contrib-simple-array-key-value (0.0.5)
A Node-RED node to dynamically add key-value pairs to arrays in msg.payload with an improved UI.
π¦ node-red-contrib-onstar2 (2.3.1)
An updated Node-RED Library using OnStarJS, an unofficial client library for the OnStar Vehicle API
π¦ node-red-contrib-web-worldmap (5.0.5)
A Node-RED node to provide a web page of a world map for plotting things on.
π¦ @keload/node-red-contrib-js-philips-tv-control (0.0.1)
A collection of nodes to control Philips TV with Node-RED, including Ambilight control.
π¦ node-red-contrib-octocore (0.0.5)
OctoCore impelentation for node-red
π¦ @solwena_pl/node-red-contrib-solwenalib (1.0.18)
nodes for integration with percee system
π¦ node-red-contrib-simple-array-key-value (0.0.4)
A Node-RED node to dynamically add key-value pairs to arrays in msg.payload with an improved UI.
π¦ @deroetzi/node-red-contrib-smarthome-helper (0.9.9)
A collection of personal helper nodes for Node-RED
π¦ @deroetzi/node-red-contrib-smarthome-helper (0.9.8)
A collection of personal helper nodes for Node-RED
π¦ node-red-contrib-onstar2 (2.3.0)
An updated Node-RED Library using OnStarJS, an unofficial client library for the OnStar Vehicle API
π¦ @gulpred/s3-adapter (0.0.5)
Upload/download files to/from S3
π¦ node-red-contrib-time-validator (0.0.1)
A Node-RED node for validating schedules and time ranges.
π¦ @gulpred/s3-adapter (0.0.4)
Upload/download files to/from S3
π¦ gulp-etl-mysql-adapter (1.0.7)
Extract data from mysql into gulp-etl Message Stream JSON
π¦ @deroetzi/node-red-contrib-smarthome-helper (0.9.5)
A collection of personal helper nodes for Node-RED
π¦ @logiccloud/node-red-runtime-connection (3.3.0)
All the necessary nodes to use logiccloud runtime in node-red environment.
π¦ gulp-etl-tap-csv (1.0.11)
Convert CSV files to JSON compatible with gulp-etl
π¦ node-red-contrib-gamedig (3.0.1)
Query for the status of any game server using node-red
π¦ node-red-contrib-iott-decoder (0.5.0)
Decode string data to a respective sensors
Automated updates from the Node-RED Flow library.