📦 @nkhhphuc/semilimes-node-red (1.0.2)
semilimes Node-RED
📦 @appmodule/node-red-contrib-siot (3.0.0-rc41)
Node-RED interactions with SIOT
📦 node-red-contrib-webiq (1.0.5)
Node-RED nodes for WebIQ API integration.
📦 node-red-contrib-flow-splitter (1.1.0)
Split your flows.json file in individual YAML or JSON files (per tab, subflow and config-node).
📦 node-red-contrib-ewelink-cube (1.2.4)
Node-RED integration with eWeLink Cube
📦 @scepiconsulting/node-red-contrib-smart-watering (0.0.4)
A Node-RED node that calculates the watering amount based on provided parameters.
📦 node-red-contrib-alice (2.2.5)
**NodeRed Home** (node-red-contrib-alice) - это сервис позволит, в несколько простых шагов, подключить любые ваши устройства заведенные в Node-RED к умному дому от Яндекса и управлять ими с помощью голосового помощ…
📦 node-red-contrib-knx-ultimate (3.0.6)
Control your KNX intallation via Node-Red! A bunch of KNX nodes, with integrated Philips HUE control and ETS group address importer. Easy to use and highly configurable.
📦 @bitpoolos/edge-bacnet (1.4.3)
A bacnet gateway for node-red
📦 @shaoranlaos/node-red-contrib-ecoflow-http-api (0.6.0)
A Node-Red plugin that usese the offical Ecoflow HTTP-API to get data for some supported ecoflow devices.
📦 @cgjgh/node-red-dashboard-2-authentik-auth (1.2.1)
Dashboard Auth with Authentik
📦 @fullmetal-fred/node-red-dashboard-2-cloudflare-auth (0.1.7)
When used with Cloudflare Access authentication, this plugin will pass the email address of an authenticated user into the _client object under _client.user.email
📦 node-red-contrib-knx-ultimate (3.0.5)
Control your KNX intallation via Node-Red! A bunch of KNX nodes, with integrated Philips HUE control and ETS group address importer. Easy to use and highly configurable.
📦 node-red-contrib-webiq (1.0.1)
Node-RED nodes for WebIQ API integration
📦 @thingweb/node-red-node-wot (1.2.4)
Web of Things nodes for Node-RED using node-wot
📦 @jambonz/node-red-contrib-jambonz (2.4.24)
Node-RED nodes for jambonz platform
📦 node-red-contrib-thinger (1.8.0)
Node-Red library for Thinger.io Platform
📦 @gocontroll-nl/node-red-gocontroll (2.1.2)
Node-RED nodes for GOcontroll Moduline controllers
📦 @opcua/for-node-red (2.18.0)
The Node-RED node to communicate via OPC UA, powered NodeOPCUA and developed by Sterfive's team
Automated updates from the Node-RED Flow library.