📦 node-red-contrib-iott-decoder (0.2.2)
Decode string data to a respective sensors
📦 node-red-contrib-cloudantplus (2.0.6)
A Node-RED node to access Cloudant and couchdb databases, supports views, query and bulk operations.
📦 node-red-contrib-text-classify (2.0.0)
Text classify with Machine learning for node-red.
📦 node-red-contrib-cot2xtopo (2.0.0)
This module parses 'live tracks' from a Caltopo map json endpoint and converts the last coordinate in the live tracking folder to a position location information (pli) cursor-on-target (CoT) message to send to …
📦 @openinc/node-red-contrib-openware (1.0.5)
Nodes to access a open.WARE Middleware by open.INC
📦 node-red-contrib-knx-ultimate (3.2.12)
Control your KNX intallation via Node-Red! A bunch of KNX nodes, with integrated Philips HUE control and ETS group address importer. Easy to use and highly configurable.
📦 @felix-reck/node-red-mip (0.1.2)
A custom Node-RED node to interact with MPDV MIP HydraX API
📦 node-red-contrib-http-request-dynamic-tls (1.0.4)
A Node-RED node for performing http(s) requests that use Request library with optimized proxy support and multipart/form-data support.
📦 node-red-contrib-uhppoted (1.1.8)
A set of nodes for the UHPPOTE Wiegand Access Controller
📦 @hotnipi/node-red-dashboard-2-ui-edgewise-meter (0.0.3)
An edgewise meter gauge node for @flowfuse/node-red-dashboard
📦 node-red-contrib-motion-pose (1.1.3)
used tensorflow mediapipe hands and pose model in real-time webcam and smartThings IoT-cam in node red
📦 @parallaxcontrol/node-red-control (1.0.65)
A comprehensive package of Node-RED nodes designed to seamlessly integrate with the Parallax Control Engine, offering enhanced control capabilities for AV Automation.
📦 node-red-contrib-pixelit (0.4.0)
PixelIt Project
📦 @chvdapi/node-red-en6400-accelerate (0.0.1)
A node by chvda to drive LIS3DHTR on EN6400
📦 node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket (0.74.0)
Node-RED integration with Home Assistant through websocket and REST API
📦 node-red-contrib-zenitel-wamp-auth-test (1.0.4)
Nodes for accessing Zenitel Connect Pro using token
📦 node-red-contrib-zenitel-wamp-auth (1.0.3)
Nodes for accessing Zenitel Connect Pro using token
📦 @gulpred/dropbox-adapter (0.0.3)
Upload/download files to/from DropBox
📦 @gulpred/dropbox-adapter (0.0.2)
Upload/download files to/from DropBox
Automated updates from the Node-RED Flow library.