π¦ @mysterycode/node-red-sacn (0.0.5)
Implementation of sACN (Streaming ACN) for Node-RED
π¦ openapi-red (2.1.3)
OpenAPI (Swagger) client for node-red
π¦ node-red-contrib-s-tech-alice (0.1.22)
Connection to S-Tech cloud
π¦ node-red-contrib-knx-ultimate (3.3.2)
Control your KNX intallation via Node-Red! A bunch of KNX nodes, with integrated Philips HUE control and ETS group address importer. Easy to use and highly configurable.
π¦ node-red-contrib-flow-splitter (2.0.1)
Split your flows.json file in individual YAML or JSON files (per tab, subflow and config-node).
π¦ echar-checkdev (1.1.9)
A Node-RED check tool to interact with UC20 / M3000 / M4000 for network device monitoring
π¦ node-red-contrib-zwave-js (9.1.0)
The most powerful, high performing and highly polished Z-Wave node for Node-RED based on Z-Wave JS. If you want a fully featured Z-Wave framework in your Node-RED instance, you have found it.
π¦ node-red-contrib-knx-ultimate (3.3.1)
Control your KNX intallation via Node-Red! A bunch of KNX nodes, with integrated Philips HUE control and ETS group address importer. Easy to use and highly configurable.
π¦ node-red-contrib-tibber-api (6.2.0)
Node Red module for integrating with Tibber api
π¦ node-red-contrib-dashboard-bar-chart-data (0.9.94)
Transforms sensor measurements or meter readings to be displayed in dashboard-chart as bar-chart
π¦ @mschaeffler/node-red-debounce (1.1.1)
Node Red nodes to debounce a payload.
π¦ node-red-contrib-obs-ws (1.2.1)
Connect to OBS Studio and control it/receive events. Node-Red bindings for obs-websocket-js.
π¦ @hotnipi/node-red-dashboard-2-ui-edgewise-meter (0.3.4)
An edgewise meter gauge node for @flowfuse/node-red-dashboard
π¦ @deroetzi/node-red-contrib-smarthome-helper (0.8.1)
A collection of personal helper nodes for Node-RED
π¦ node-red-contrib-remware-ina3221-sensor (0.1.1)
node-red wrapper for the ina3221
π¦ node-red-contrib-ntr-alphaess (1.0.6)
This provides a node for retrieving information from Alpha ESS photovoltaic systems.
π¦ node-red-contrib-knx-ultimate (3.3.0)
Control your KNX intallation via Node-Red! A bunch of KNX nodes, with integrated Philips HUE control and ETS group address importer. Easy to use and highly configurable.
π¦ node-red-contrib-ntr-alphaess (1.0.5)
This provides a node for retrieving information from Alpha ESS photovoltaic systems.
π¦ node-red-contrib-provision (1.1.1)
Node-RED node for provisioning and fetching alarm status
π¦ node-red-contrib-superpower-smart-test (1.3.66)
Node-RED integration with eWeLink Cube
Automated updates from the Node-RED Flow library.