📦 node-red-contrib-tdengine (0.0.5)
This repositry create a custom Node-Red node for configing TDEngine server connection and execute SQL from preview node msg.payload ## Design Use Taos data restful API to commit SQL, API call like
📦 node-red-neo4j (1.1.0)
A Node-RED node for interacting with Neo4j
📦 @deroetzi/node-red-contrib-smarthome-helper (0.9.2)
A collection of personal helper nodes for Node-RED
📦 node-red-contrib-tdengine (0.0.4)
This repositry create a custom Node-Red node for configing TDEngine server connection and execute SQL from preview node msg.payload ## Design Use Taos data restful API to commit SQL, API call like ``` curl -H 'A…
📦 @wago/node-red-wdx-alarm (11.0.0)
WAGO - Node RED - WDX Alarm
📦 node-red-contrib-text-classify (3.0.0)
Text classify with Machine learning for node-red.
📦 @gulpred/s3-adapter (0.0.3)
Upload/download files to/from S3
📦 gulp-etl-mysql-adapter (1.0.6)
Extract data from mysql into gulp-etl Message Stream JSON
📦 @joe-ab1do/mcp-pcf-aio (3.3.0)
Node-Red nodes for i2c port expanders MCP23008, MCP23017, PCF8574(A) & PCF8575
📦 @logiccloud/node-red-runtime-connection (3.2.1)
All the necessary nodes to use logiccloud runtime in node-red environment.
📦 node-red-contrib-flow-splitter (2.0.2)
Split your flows.json file in individual YAML or JSON files (per tab, subflow and config-node).
📦 node-red-contrib-afya-counter-the-new (0.0.5)
counter that really works! / licznink, który działa na prawdę!
📦 @ncd-io/node-red-enterprise-sensors (1.1.0)
You can install this library through the Palette Manager in Node-Red's UI.
📦 @gulpred/s3-adapter (0.0.2)
Upload/download files to/from S3
📦 @deroetzi/node-red-contrib-smarthome-helper (0.9.0)
A collection of personal helper nodes for Node-RED
📦 listen-collection (1.0.2)
A Node-RED node to listen to MongoDB collection changes
📦 @klicktipp/node-red-contrib-klicktipp (1.0.2)
KlickTipp API integration node for Node-RED
📦 node-red-contrib-superpower-smart-test (1.3.68)
Node-RED integration with eWeLink Cube
📦 node-red-contrib-superpower-smart-test (1.3.67)
Node-RED integration with eWeLink Cube
Automated updates from the Node-RED Flow library.